About us
About us
My name is Agnes Pintér and I live in Budapest(Hungary)
The El Tamerlan kennel was founded in 1979. In the beginning the breed consisted of three Afghan hounds: Grandchampion Badshah el Kohistan (Timúr) one of the most beautyful male that time, his sister Barbille (breeders:Magda and Márta Nagy)- they were born in 1974- and Barbille's son : Ch.El Tamerlan Abusaid (Picur).
Later two Salukis, Ch.Charlemagne Abusah (born in 1982.) and his daughter: Tina (1984. b: Mrs. Károlyi) joined the breed.
In 1987. together my mother, Anna Pintér we started the breed of the Lhasa Apsos. The first male, Grandchampion Dolma's Boy -Tiko (breeder: K. Donius) the first German import dog, who was a prominent male of the breed and also was excellent at shows.
The real breeding began in 1990., when we got Vanessa (also from Germany, b.: A. Baumgaertner) who became the second ICH. in Hungary, and Cindy, who was not magnifient at the shows, but in the breed. Also this year joined in the two bitches Debby and Djamila.
Then Goldie - Golden Falcon(son of Tiko and Vanessa), who later became a great covering male,was born in Nov. 1991.
In 1993. has arrived Sunny - ICH. Veteran Ch. Grandchampion Kuuran French Can Can (from Finland, b.: Matti Tuominen) was the most successfull Lhasa of the Tamerlan Kennel for a long time.
1994. Ch. Yessica, and Grafi - Cindyboy were born out of: Goldie and Cindy.
Grafi embodies the aim we sat as the Tamerlan kennel breed standard. At present he is the most successfull dog in the kennel: ICH. Grandchampion,Showchampion,Veteranchampion., etc. Two of the most prominent Grafi's successors are also in the breed:Grandchampion Tarissa Tara (Sunny's daughter) -was born in 1998. - and Juniorchampion Shamila was born in 2000.
Grafi, Tara, Letizia,Nabiri( out of: Tara and Aquincumi Sármos Felton,.) won the first prize at Breeding Group at the Alpok-Adria Cup in 2002.
The Lhasa Apsos of the Tamerlan kennel are typically golden or lioncoloured.
This colour was dominantly inherited in Tara's two daughters from the black coloured slovenian Multichampion Tintavon Rossini : Manka is already Juniorchampion, Mojca is Juniorclubwinner and Juniorchampion.
The youngest hopeful show- and studmale in the kennel is Titling Bruce Willis, (from Titling Kennel Slovénia b: Mrs M.Bregar) who has real Tibetian ancestors on his ascending line.
Letizia's boys out of Multichampion Titling Al Capone are very promised, especially Shambala who won Junior BIS in the Alpok-Adria Cup in 2005.